Do you get mad or upset when ..

(If you’re pregnant or when you were)

Someone says “you look so small , are you sure baby is growing..” COMMENTS LIKE THIS …

I’m 18 weeks (4months pregnant)

& this is my 3rd baby . I work at a healthcare facility so I’m basically not showing through my scrubs just yet but when I wear outside clothing like dresses I definitely have a “small” bump.

Anyways , ever since I’ve been getting comments like this I’m much more concerned bc yes there’s times where I think to myself & ask is the baby even growing bc of how small my belly looks sometimes ..

I have a doctors appt this week & just by curiosity should I ask if my doctor can take an ultrasound… even though this appointment is only a checkup with hearing the heart beat… idk I’m embarrased for even asking but if we hear the heart beat then that means we don’t need an ultrasound done .. correct ? Or am I wrong 🥺 please advice …definitely helps a lot