Possible engagement


So my bf and I have been together for almost 5 years now. We’ve been living together for about 2 and a half of those years. At the beginning of this year we discussed our plans and something we agreed on was we wanted to get engaged this year. I’ve tried to not bring it up too much because I don’t want it to feel like I’m pressuring him. Which I don’t think I even have to worry about since I’ve heard him tell multiple people that this is gonna be the year. Well it’s end of October so I’m really starting to get anxious for it. Our 5 year anniversary is in December so part of me thinks he’s gonna wait until then but I also think he could do it on Christmas or wait till new years. I do feel mentally prepared but I also want to be physically prepared. I wanna have my nails done and a cute outfit on. I always do my own nails and he’s never taken me to get them done so I think he knows not to mention it or I’ll be suspicious lol. I just hope I’m not getting my hopes up. We’re getting closer to the end of the year which is a very busy time for him with work so part of me feels like he might be too busy that month for anything. He always tries to make time for our anniversary but usually it has to be kept somewhat short. I do think I’ll be incredibly disappointed if it doesn’t happen this year especially after I’ve mentioned it to my friends sm times. I’ve seen some signs like he started following a few engagement ring companies on different social medias. He also said a few months ago he thought about proposing this month but something had come up which leads me to believe he’s already got the ring. Plus he just mentioned it to someone else not too long ago. Idk I’m just feeling so anxious. Like I’m so excited for it but like I said I’ll be disappointed if it doesn’t happen.