Is this controlling?

I have a friends with benefits/situation and we’ve been hooking up for a while. At first it was like he wanted me allll the time. Now it’s like only when he wants it. If it’s not one of the times he wants it and I even just express interest or try to randomly send nudes (he’s never had a problem with it before) he either ignores it or he gets mad. My birthday is on Friday and I asked about having sex both tomorrow and Friday/Saturday. I didn’t think it was a big deal to just ask, I figured if he didn’t want to he could just say no and be done with talking about it. But instead he got mad and told me that he doesn’t like when I ask for sex (???????) especially when it’s “more and more”. He says that it’s “putting pressure on him” when I ask, especially for more than one time. I was like “okay??? Is something up? If something’s wrong I wish you would tell me” and he says that nothing is wrong except he’s “not sure about all of this with me”. Which I guess would be fine. Except he LITERALLY only mentions it when I try to ask for sex when he doesn’t want it. Any other time, he acts totally fine. Also one time I tried to call bluff and said “ok then we can be done” and he was like “oh no I don’t mean it like that” 😐😐😐😐 He also had me agree that I wouldn’t sleep with other people if I wanted him at all. And any mention of another guy and he gets wildly insecure, to the point today he told me I should stop talking to guys unless they’re gay because they’re all just going to take advantage of me. So it makes me feel like he’s trying to make it to where I depend on him but yet he barely gives me anything? And makes me feel like I’m bothering him by even asking? But if I said no he would want a “good reason”

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