Prominent ridge on 3 wk old’s head?


I sent out a message to her ped but realized it's Friday 🙄

I could just be overthinking but it would be reassuring to know if this is normal or if I'm rightfully worried and should go the next step and contact an on-call. I feel like the ridge across my daughter's (2nd born) head seems to be getting more prominent. It goes from one side to the other. My husband says he doesn't notice a difference. I don't remember our first having one like it. It's hard to capture it in a photo but I tried. Her behavior is all normal. No abnormal inconsolable crying, eats well, sleeps and wakes normally, is bright and alert while awake etc. She’ll be 3 weeks old tomorrow.

*if it matters, she was born sunny side up and I pushed with her for nearly 3 hours.