Positive test.. no clue how far along I am lol..


My husband and I started "kind of" ttc after my period ended. We were just having fun with it, so I wasn't <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> too much. The app said my peak ovulation was around the 14th but I kept getting negative tests so I accepted I probably wasn't pregnant. He left for training on the 23rd, so that was the last day we had sex, but it was daily so I cant go based off of that. I hadn't tested in about a week or longer and still no period so today I grabbed a dollar tree test while I was there. I was not expecting that positive at all lol. It's kinda driving me nuts not know *roughly* how far along I am 😂

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It would be based off the first day of your last period.