Please send prayers / positive thoughts

Kaela • Cautiously Optimistic Mommy of Addie, 👧🏽6/2018 5 angel babies 1/9/17; 7/23/19; 12/8/22; 3/3/23; 6/6/24

Last Wednesday, I started bleeding. So I called OB, and was able to get seen. Ultrasound showed that I was measuring 6 weeks with what looked like a “developing embryo” but because of my history (5 miscarriages, and one 6 year old daughter) my OB wasn’t optimistic.

I haven’t had any more bleeding since last Wednesday.

My HCG on 12/11/24 was 44,990 and on 12/13/24 was 54,365 — according to my OB office, it didn’t rise as we would expect in a normal pregnancy.

I was told to go get another ultrasound tomorrow to see if there was any growth / cardiac activity. I’m praying for a miracle, but guarding my heart.

UPDATE: baby is measuring 6w4d with HR of 127!

Another update: my OB called and said that in the report, the baby was measuring 6w6d!