Chances of conceiving in December?


I had my menstrual on October 18 and November 23.

I had sex 12/1, 12/4, 12/6, 12/7, 8:55 pm 12/11.

Ovulation test strip lines were dark December 10 at 9:05pm. I had intercourse December 11 at 1 a.m. ovulation strip on December 11 at 7:10am first line was dark and second line was light. At 2:20 pm on December 11 first line was dark and second line was light. I also had intercourse again December 11 at 8:55 pm. I took ovulation test strip on December 12 and only one dark line at 8:35 a.m. What is my chances in conceiving in December? When should I take early pregnancy test?