Mother in law dilemma

UPDATE: first of all I would like to thank you all for your supportive and valuable advises. So here is an update : unfortunately things didn't go that well , my husband got really defensive and told me that if his mother doesn't get to be there ,neither will he be at the ultrasound . I wish I would have just said yes from the beginning , I could have avoided the stress and all the crying , which he said he doesn't care about , nether about the baby . Well, I should have just accepted it , like I always do . 
Hello ladies ! I'm posting this anonymously because I am embarrassed of my feelings . 
My mil lives abroad and visits me and my husband whenever she travels for work . Her next visit is in March, week after my 20 week ultrasound and she had asked me husband if I could match the US appointment with her visit . 
Here is my problem , where I'm from it is very uncommon to " announce " pregnancy until you start showing, me and my husband argued and we ended up telling them the day I found out ( 4 weeks ) , my first ultrasound I made a video where doctor says this is an 8 week ultrasound here is the head , blah blah normal things , to show my husband , which I did , and he wanted to send to his mom , I didn't because I wasn't comfortable with sending such an intimate conversation . He raised hell and we send it to his mother .  
All he does is trying to please his mother and neglects how I feel . Do I not have a right to feel uncomfortable and not want her to be on my 20 week ultrasound ? I really get nervous , embarrassed and extremely uncomfortable, I'm very private person . I'm very shy . Do I have a right ? People don't bring family member to the ultrasound where I come from, it's between mother and the doctor . 
I'm afraid his family will try to bring all their family to the delivery room if I let him get away with this now . 
Am I wrong for not wanting my mil for my 20 week ultrasound ? Should I be judged for who and how I am ?