I was on ozempic and got on birth control…


So I am a diabetic… I’m 33 years old. 250lb my heaviest weight was almost 500lbs.

In the past I’ve had two miscarriages and have been actively working on my health and starting my business I’m not gonna lie financially I’m struggling.…

II started ozempic in October and I’ve lost about 30 pounds now which is great (never mind the over 200 lbs Ive lost in the last 5 years from changing my diet and exercise….. ) but more than anything the ozempic has helped with additional weight loss’s but it has controlled my diabetes. My sugar is 100% in check like it has never been before, I have even on metformin and insulin in the past and I was never this good …

I’ve heard stories about getting on Ozempic and getting pregnant… I have been seeing somebody but it’s still very new… but I did get on birth control for the first time in my adult life the beginning of November… It is now the middle to end of January And then I did realize I haven’t had a full-blown period since November, but figured that might be normal since I am adjusting to the birth control. I feel like I spotted in December but maybe one day and nothing in January…

I went to Dollar tree and got a pregnancy test. It has the faint little line it potentially might even be an evap line but I am in panic…

Being a mom is part of the plan and life that I imagined… but I barely know the person that I just started dating… and all of this right when I am in the progress of working on me, at the point where I even started to imagine a child free life. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed and scared and I know I still have to retest again.

I’m going to wait a couple days but just felt like I needed a community too because I don’t feel like I can tell my family at this point.