Sitting right on the edge of labor
And nothing is working to tip me into it! I’m 40+3 with #3. I had medical inductions with the first two at 39+5. With #3 I’ve been in prodromal labor for two weeks, and I’m currently sitting at 5cm and 50% effaced. I’m looking at another medical induction in 8 days. I’ve had two membrane sweeps, and done the castor oil, evening primrose oil, clary sage oil, dates, raspberry leaf and hibiscus teas, nipple stimulation, spinning babies techniques, miles circuit, and the sex. Everything to ripen my cervix and try to stimulate contractions. Baby is definitely engaged. I’m flabbergasted. My uterus’ oxytocin receptors are clearly open, or I wouldn’t be dilated, effaced and experiencing contractions. I have no clue what is stalling this. I’m uncomfortable enough that I’m having a hard time keeping up on the house, kids and other responsibilities. Yet, obviously, baby will come only when she’s ready, or be evicted in 8 days.
Any suggestions?
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.