
Angelica • She`s hear! Mommy life begins!
Does anyone else get annoyed with all the negative comments people say when you are expecting your first child? 
Like "oh rest up you will never sleep again". "Be prepared to give up everything you wanted to do that you haven't done." "I hope your ready for screaming and crying. " 
Even "oh just wait till the baby comes" 
It's like I get the intentions are good (mostly) but the way they are saying it.. It's as if having a child made their life hard and they think everyone else feels that way. I by no means think it's going to be easy .. But I don't need any one telling me it's not. 
Also all my friends who have had babies had never really experienced baby life. This will be the 17 great grand child in the last 8 years born into my family.. Just on my moms side.. The third in the last 3 years on my dads side and with my SO this will be the 5th born on his moms side in the last year!! We've had the opportunity to be a huge part in the majority of those babies lives .. I helped raise my cousin who just turned 18. Needless to say we have a lot of experience getting to care for and be around babies and toddlers and children. We are as ready as we will ever be and we just get annoyed when people tell us we don't understand what we are getting into. 
Anyone else feel this way? Rant over break lol.  Also just a note I'm 28 and my SO is 26.  We are well into our adult in years..