Confidence And Self Esteem Not High At All😔

Samirah • 😘 Future Neonatologist or Pediatrician👩🏽‍🎓
I use to cry in my room when I was little and sometimes still do till this damn because I always thought I was ugly and that nobody liked me. When I got older I became you know a little prettier not pretty enough though. Then when I take really cute pictures I be like "Dangg girl u know u fine" but then when I see another girls pictures on Facebook and she looks WAY prettier than me I get sad you know. Some be naturally beautiful and some us makeup I think I would like makeup help😔... People say I'm fine, cute, sexy, beautiful but the way I see it I think they say it just to talk to me just to get in my pants because when I post pictures I post them with my boobs out and ass out you know... Which isn't lady like but that's the only way I get attention you know I'm not pretty