haters gonna hate is the realest and most infuriating thing in the world.


look: im a huge swiftie and im so sick and tired of hearing people hating on her FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. when you ask for the reason it's either: "kanye made her famous" or "she used her jet for a 40 second flight and she's ruining the environment" BLA BLA BLA. NO HE DIDN'T STFU. AND you're jealous that you don't have a jet and probably aren't aware of the fact that she donated more than 3 times worth what she polluted to a cause that plants trees and saves forests AND the year she polluted the most, she wasn't even in the top 20 celebrities that used their jet most. she was no. 49 or something and the famous kanye west and his ex wife kim were in the top 5. wonder why nobody was commenting on them huh? she gets so much hate just because she's successful and i get so offended whenever i hear something bad about her because if you actually knew her story and watched her documentary you'd know that all people have done to her in that industry is treat her in the shittiest way possible. she's earned all her success and got up each time they've pushed her down but that doesn't mean she isn't a human. she gets hurt, she has feelings. when people booed her at the superbowl, she laughed it off, you know why? because she sold out that entire arena with her record breaking tour. and im not saying everybody needs to be a swiftie or like her or something like that, but agreeing with all the bad stuff they say about her, insulting her, and just disliking her for no reason is so disrespectful. you don't know somebody? then you don't get to have an opinion on them. i just hate that people judge you as soon as you say you like taylor swift and start hating on her saying the dumbest fucking things on planet earth. i don't understand how such an innocent person can have that much hate for no reason at all. if anyone wants to answer negatively, and hate on her in the comments at least give me an ACTUAL, VALID, reason you hate her and I'll probably prove you wrong. not here to fight with anybody, i just needed to rant about this because it's literally part of my everyday life.