Cycle Buddy

Anyone want to keep taps on each other throughout our Two weeks wait? Please where’s my cycle buddy?

I’m planning on resting either the 18th or 19th.

Are you guys having any symptoms?

When are you planning on testing?

How often did you have sex throughout your cycle?

Have you guys tested today?

Update: yesterday I had sharp mild pain on my left side. I’m really hoping this is it. Today having slight boob soreness. Hoping for a December baby because our birthdays are in December.

Because I’m not sure when I will see my husband again. I came to see him 3/2-3/12,we are going through immigration process.

Update: I think 8dpo or 9dpo I had a small brown egg white discharge when I wiped. Not sure what it was. I’m thinking about testing Friday. I haven’t had any major symptoms aside from left and right cramping on and off, boobs soreness on and off. I’m hoping this is it. I’m just really worried though.