My baby birth went really well

My baby birth went really well! I only got nervous once, it was after I had been admitted. I came in at only 1 to 2 cm dilated they usually send mom's back hm but since this was my 3rd baby things could go either way so they let me stay. I was just going to get meds to take the edge off the contractions but the doc said since i had epidurals in the past i could go ahead and just get one. It slowed my contractions down and I stayed at 3cm forever.They started to up the potcin my contractions started coming back they up to 14 and I was still 3 so they decided to sit me up I went to 9cm real quick. The baby stayed happy and comfortable the whole time.I started to fell the pressure to push my nurse checked me she said his head was still high do small pushes she'd be back in a hr. I was like to my self really lady I feel like pushing and not small. I tried to but I couldn't take it I called for her again she came back and checked me but she said someone else was trying to deliver so she was going to go help them and she was going to send someone to assist me. So this lady came in and she checked me and she was like your ready I started pushing he was out in about 3 long pushes. One of the happiest and best feeling! One because he is finally here and healthy and I accomplished another Vbac! Luv and happiness!