Possibly Twins!!!

Rebecca • 👶🏼#2 due August 30th 💖
Hi ladies, I had my first scan today at 6W 1D. So exciting, I got to see my little blob and the little flickering heart beat, which glow said was low at 113 but other sites have said its normal for 6weeks. Anyway during the scan they found what they thought could have been a second sac but because of how early I am and the positioning they couldn't get a clear picture. The lady asked a senior to double check and he thought it could most likely be a twin but didn't want to confirm or deny without a clear image and heart beat. He thought he could see a tiny flicker of a heartbeat but said because it was so tucked away it was hard to say and could also have been one of my arteries. Basically I have to go back in a week or 2 for a follow up scan to get confirmation. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience with an early scan and what the outcome was?? I have twins on both sides of my family so it is a possibility but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. 
Thank you 👶🏼👶🏼🍼🍼❤️