
Hi everybody, my name is Renee and I am new to glow. Just wondering how many people on here have had/having trouble getting pregnant or think they are sterile. I for one, don't think I can have children due obvious reason(s). I have an infertility appointment in a couple weeks because I'm dying to find out if I am able to have kids or not. So to the woman who have gone to an infertility appointment, what was it like and what do they do? I just want to know for my knowledge. Thanks. 
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Hi there! I'm new to glow as well. My fiance and I have spent the last two and a half years not using protection, we feel that if it happens, it happens! Around the two year mark, I started getting worried that I couldn't conceive. So I went in to a fertility specialist and found that there is a lot that you can do to help with conception. First, she checked my cervix and then talked about my options. The first thing she suggested was to get a test called a Hysterosalpingogram. Which is a ridiculous word for a simple test! They incert dye into your cervix and take X-rays to see if your tubes are clear. She said that it would hurt, a lot. So I opted out of doing that. The next thing that she said we could try was taking Clomid. There are SO many options. You just have to talk with your fertility doctor and find the right plan for you. We decided to give it more time, as we are still young. ​​Good luck!  


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I am in the same boat. Been TTC for 14 months. I went last week and she was so great! My boyfriend is getting his sperm checked next week and then I'll get blood work done to check my progesterone on the third day of my next cycle. That next week we will do the dye test, they will want to do it before you ovulate for the month to make sure not to disturb anything in the making, and that next cycle we will start Chlomid. If Chlomid does not work within 6 months then we will begin IUI. Hope that helps! Baby dust!