So emotionally drained.

So me and my husband have been married 9 months. We recently hit a rough patch in our relationship and we separated for a few months. But we are back together now going on 4 months. We moved from Texas to Pennsylvania, where we are living with his sister her husband and 3 kids. I am extremely grateful that they took us in and gave us a place to live. But lately I just feel like we are over staying our welcome. My husband had been working for a recycling company through a temp agency he started back in October. Well the car we had that we used to drive out here from Texas to Pennsylvania the motor blew back in November. So we were careless for a few days and his other sister let us borrow her car wasn't nothing fancy but who cares it's a car it got us from point a to point b. Well they took the car back Bc they said we used it long enough. So with out a car we couldn't get back and forth to work. So my husband lost his job so we have no income coming in. I was working at Dicks sporting goods seasonal part time. So since we have no income coming we have applied for unemployment and for welfare just until we get back on our feet. We both have been seeking employment but haven't found anything just yet. I feel like all of this is taking a toll on our marriage Bc he stays up all night and sleeps all day. We have sex once a week and he thinks it's okay and all I worry about is sex. But it's so much deeper then that. I just don't know what else to do. I feel like we are over staying our welcome here and his sister is getting tired of us being here. I'm just so lost and emotionally drained. Sorry for the long post.