I dont know why but I never thought I would have twins but here I am almost 11 weeks pregnant with Twins. However, my story isnt all happy. When I found out I was ao excited and scared but the doctor had some concerns Baby A is measuring 1.5 weeks bigger than the other and Baby B has fluid around its heart AND the doctor couldn't see a seperate amniotic sac so if 1 baby dies they both will die possibly. Tore me apart so fast. I now have an appointment on Wednesday with the High risk MD for an ultrasound and blood tests if I havent lost 1 or both of my babies by then. Its so hard to go on with the daily routine but I try. My 5 year old daughter has been so excited and helpful for the new sibling but now Im too scared to even tell her that she could possibly not get a sibling at all. Story of my life. My babies looked so beautiful, I love them both so much already.