Husband want a baby

Hey all my husband if 4 1/2 years want a baby. ..

Firstly when we got married I ask if we could have kids and he said let's wait a little enjoy the marriage. I agreed and waited then 3 years passed and he said ok we should have a baby so we did

Which ended with our baby dieing via his cord rap around his neck at birth.

That was the hardest thing I had to go through and still going through its about a year and some months now and my husband is saying we should try again

Trufully I don't I try because I'm scared that that may happen to me again.

But he keeps asking and asking and I saying yes I want to

Half of me is saying yes and the other half is saying no

Ladies HELP me what to do

I spoke to him already and tell him how I feel and he said he did not get married not to have kids

He said he would support me in the time of need I.e pregnancy.
