How old is a baby usually when you do a meet & greet party?

👪 5/6/2016🚜👣

First of all, this is my mom's idea. She wants to invite all of HER friends and coworkers over to show off her grandson. She wants to have a teaparty.... Which BTW.... I'm a construction worker who likes to hunt & wear cowgirl boots while prancing around in the mud lol.... Not exactly the type to put my pinky out while holding a bone china teacup & saucer. So this is AALLLLLLL about her, which kind of pissed me off a bit, but whatever... I'm going along with it...

Shouldn't my baby have at least some vaccines first though? How old are they when they get their first round of shots? I'm not sure I want a 1-2 week old baby around like 20 people