Vent sesh

Being a military spouse is really tough at times. Especially during times like this. My husband is gone I have legal issues with child custody and my ex , I'm 5 months pregnant working and trying to keep my house and self together. My 5 year old notices I'm stressed and I'm trying my best to  really keep it together.  My hormones are already outta wack so I'm constantly depressed and annoyed most of the time 💔... I miss my home and friends, We just got to our new duty station 3 months ago I know no one! I absolutely hate it here. My husband will be gone till march I have no emotional support or friends here. Most of my stress is coming from my ex whom outta spit wants to make me miserable because I've moved on married and started a new family... It's been 3 years just leave me alone! I can't deal with all the stress I feel like I'm going to fricken explode. I can't even enjoy my pregnancy with all that's going on. Maybe I'm just over reacting but I needed to vent. 🙏🏻