Pull out method

My fiance and I have been using the pull out method for over 5 years now. I found out I was pregnant when I was 9 weeks. Doctor told me I conceived between July 23 and August 1. I was on a seperation about a month before I conceived. About 4-5 weeks before the date I conceived and had a one night stand. He didn't finish. I'm sure there was precum involved. Can I get pregnant from that? Would those 4 weeks be enough time for me to be able to know who the father is. I'm positive it's my fiance's but you never know. I believe my fiance didn't "pull out" in time as it was a long "drunken" night. That night is the only night in the time I supposedly conceived based on ultrasound Dr gave me that I had sex. Should I believe the ultrasound that said how far pregnant I was and when I conceived because if I do than I KNOW its my fiances.