Sinus Pressure

Rebecca • My hubby Mike and I have been married for 3 years. We welcomed Isabelle on 2/15/14 and are expecting baby #2 in 9/16!
I had a severe sinus infection, ear infection, AND upper respiratory infection over New Years. I was on antibiotics for 10 days and felt much better last week. But this week started with lots of sneezing and I felt like I was coming down with an every-day cold.. But now the pressure on the right side of my face and forehead is INSANE 😩
I've also been blowing green, but don't have a fever. I've been using essential oils but they aren't helping. Could this be YET ANOTHER sinus infection.. Or just a bad cold? Anyone have any advice?? I'm currently 6w4d and want to make sure whatever I do is safe!