My story

So recently I found out I am pregnant. This pregnancy was not planned as I was on birth control and haven't been with the father for very long but over some time I decided to keep the baby. The father was not very happy but was slowly warming up to the idea. However, yesterday I had my first ultrasound and found out that I have a very rare form of pregnancy called momo twins. These twins are high risk and not too many doctors in Ontario will deliver these baby's as there can be complications. My boyfriend and I are freaking out. He wasn't even okay with one baby and now there are two. I am so confused on what to do and what to expect. I am already a full time mom to an 18 month old boy who's father isn't around. This pregnancy only happens to one in 10,000. I guess I just need some advice since I am feeling so alone. I spent the whole day at the hospital yesterday trying to get some information on what to expect and I still feel so lost. Someone help :(