Weird bleeding post-miscarriage

5 days ago I was 100% convinced I was getting my first period post miscarriage (miscarried on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>, second miscarriage in a year). Light spotting that started an hour after taking my first response pregnancy test (typical right?). 
5 days later still very light spotting, barely there at all really. After a day or two I dared to think it might be an implant bleed - that maybe I was pregnant again. Test this morning says negative, 5 days after starting spotting... So almost certainly not an implant bleed. 
Last time I remember I spotted lightly for a day or two then got the period from hell... Is a very very light bleed normal for the cycle post-miscarriage? I mean if I didn't ovulate I wouldn't expect a heavy bleed... Right? 5 days of super light spotting is unheard of for me. I usually have a day or two of spotting, intense pain and then 8-9 days heavy bleeding (endometriosis). 
I'm very confused and just wish my body would get back to what passes for normal. 
Anybody else have a practically non-existent period the month after a loss? I was 6+1 both times, if that counts for anything?