
Well ladies im having trouble with sex right now smh. I love my guy and we have been thru alot and now he seems to really be getting me and this pregnancy. Hes trying his best and I can see that. However me I'm so tired lately like sleep all day and night tired I dont know whats wrong with me. Then im usually up at weird times like now when he sleep usually between 3-6am. I haven't given him any cuz I'm always exhausted and when I'm not the baby starts moving and kicking which is a total turn off. I don't know what to do help!! I don't want to leave him horny if I give him a blow job I'll be horny and the last couple times we only had quickies like no intimacy at all just quick wham bam thank u maam. Im really stumped at what to do any suggestions I don't want to lose our connection sexually :-(