
Okay this is really embarrassing but I'm really worried and would like to know what to do. So I was texting a guy in 6th year, I'm in 3rd and we became okay friends, one night he asked me to send a picture and for some reason I did, I thought I could trust him. So that was grand we continued to text for a few weeks, but then as if all of a sudden he stopped texting me. I was a wreck for a bit cause I thought he liked me, obviously I was wrong. But then his friends started to add me on face book and snapchat. I was a bit excited at first you know typical 3rd year girl delighted to be getting the attention of manly 6th years. So his friend texted me one day and I had asked if his friend said anything about me, but he said that they don't really like him. This lead me to kind of trust this guy a bit more because he was telling me things that could potentially start drama in his group. So after a few days we were texting and he sent me pictures and stuff, I felt that since he sent the pictures first the polite thing to do was to send him one. So I did. But now we don't talk anymore and every time I walk past these guys' friends in school they might make a comment 'oh there's the boeur' or shout my name, I'm kind of nervous that the guys have told their friends that I sent them pictures and I would just like to know what you think I should do😊 Sorry this is so long I'm just very worried.