

Is it ok to travel a long distance when your 8 months pregnant?.....I'm a First timer.... No clue if I can or not.
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Posted at
You should check with your doc and the airline as well


Ashley • Jan 26, 2016
I'm traveling by car... and I'm going to check with my Dr. before anything but I'd like to see from mothers who know this kind of stuff


Posted at
I travelled on a plane from California to Hawaii. Was 34 weeks going and 35 weeks coming back. I had compression socks, lots of water and made sure to get up often. I was just fine. Definitely impossible to sleep on a plane that far along because there is no way to sleep while crouched over and baby is crammed in my ribs, but other than that no complaints. 


Ashley • Jan 31, 2016
thank you! it makes me feel better that I know someone else has traveled during there 3rd trimester!! makes me feel loads better! :)


Posted at
I'm only 8 weeks. So idk if that works the same but I'll be traveling about 9 hours here and back to Minnesota. 


Ashley • Jan 24, 2016
cloquet 😀


Kailee • Jan 23, 2016
Omg what part


Ashley • Jan 23, 2016
I'm going to Minnesota to get my brother and sis n law Lmao


Posted at
Talk to your doc. I traveled 5 hours by car at 36 weeks. They checked my cervix and just told me to know where a hospital was and "worst case, we can fax your records to another hospital". It's ultimately your decision regardless, but they can give you their opinion/advice. Just be sure you stop and stretch a LOT no matter how you travel.


Posted at
At 31 weeks I was going to Oklahoma which is 20 hours away and I had to have my cervix checked and an u/s done before I went. I didn't get to go 😔


Posted at
Def talk to your dr about it, but I know most aren't supposed to travel more than an hour or two away in the third trimester