Help deciding cloth diapers or disposables?!?

Rachel ❤💙 • Angel 6/20/15 👼💔 Rainbow born 7/10/16

Ugh I need advice/opinions. I really want to cloth diaper. I feel like it would save money and I've seen babies with horrible rashea from disposables. I really do not have a ton of money so that's my biggest issue.

I've heard a lot of people say "eww gross" when I tell them I want to use cloth diapers. It makes me seond guess myself.

The issue with cloth would be number one, coming up with the money to buy them and deciding which ones will work best. And two, figuring out how to do all the laundry because I don't own a washer or dryer and the laundromat is ridiculous so I usually do my laundry once a week at a friends house :/

Idk. I'm young, I don't know what the best option would be for me and my baby.