Af due tomorrow..

I ovulated on the 11th according to this app, my ad is due tomorrow the 25th! And I have been having the following symptoms,
Mild lower stomach cramps on and off sometimes lasting 20minutes,
Feeling super tired to the point where I go take a nap,
I've been turned off eating a lot the smell gets to me and after eating a little bit I start feeling sick, 
My boobs feel so heavy and this morning I've woken up and my nipples are killing me! (I've never had this before) 
I also feel so bloated! 
I've recently gone off the pill.. But had unprotected during my fertile week and the day/night of ovulation. Do you think I'm pregnant? I'm 18. 
I was doing dishes and all of a sudden I could feel leaking coming from my vaguna.. (Tmi) anyway I rushed to the toilet thinking my period came :( but instead it was a load of milky white and clear discharge!!!