Scared to Death of birth control 😰😥

Forgive my ignorance as you read this. I'm 28 years old and just got married. I'm not ready to have children but I do not want to get on birth control. I was planning on doing the natural birth control thing, but my husband is like "yea right". Basically saying that he doesn't think it's gonna work. Ladies... I am scared to death of birth control. I think it's so unnatural. And more so, I've had a few abortions in my past, long time ago I was like in my early 20s. And now for some odd reason I feel like if I go on birth control it will lessen my chances of getting pregnant when I actually am ready. I want children one day but just not now. I read something online  that said if your on BC sometimes it can weaken your uterus lining and make it hard for you to carry a baby full term or even hard for the zygote to attach to the uterus to even start forming a fetus. Ladies please help, what are your opinions? Experiences ? I have a doctor appt next week and I plan to talk this over with her as well. But at the same time I don't want to be feed BS either.Â