Relationship trouble caused by in-laws

Am I the bad person here? Am I asking too much?

My In-laws moved in with us about 2 years ago. I thought it was just temporary because they have a house and family in a different country, I assumed they would just visit us and return back to their home. (Keep in mind my in-laws are in their 50s, perfectly capable of living independently.)

Ever since they've been here, our (my husband and i) relationship has just falling apart, at least that's how I see it. We don't spend time in the kitchen anymore, we don't cuddle on the couch and watch TV together, etc ..why? Because his mom is always in the kitchen, his mom stays up late watching TV with him. The only time we spend together is in our bedroom. I need more than just bedroom relationship. I know he provides for me, financially....but I can do that as well.

I asked him to have parents return to their home and just to visit us. Also, told him that when they are old and time comes, I will take care of them n they can stay with us but right now it's messing with our relationship.

He doesn't it see it like that. I'm so bothered by it, I asked him to go to marriage counseling with me but he doesn't think that will help because if I can't live his parents then he can't live with me.

He's not even willing to try.

(Keep in my that in my culture, one of the kids (usually son) ends up taking care of his parents instead of sending them to nursing home. I am perfectly okay with that except for the fact that my in-laws are not there yet, they're still independent.)