Unwanted company...

Mrs. • Momma to 2 on earth and 2 in heaven. Pregnant with the next adventure! 2014 👼🏼 2016 👧🏼 2018 👧🏼 2020 👼🏼 2022 🤰🏼
My SO has his brother and his friend staying with us while they go to school. His brother is ok but his friend just drives me crazy! There is just something about him that I don't like and they've only been here for a month, I can't stand the way he eats, how he does absolutely nothing to help out around the house, and touches things that aren't his, just the other day he hopped on the ski doo... Didn't even let it warm up at all! And it's not even ours it's my mothers, and today he's playing with our guns like they are toys (we hunt) but like he's just so disrespectful by leaving dirty dishes around and his dirty towels on the floor it's just driving me crazy at how he's acting like its his house... Well it's not. Yes I understand he's staying here for college but he's not even paying us any money, so it's just frustrating... I don't know if I'm just being protective cause I'm pregnant and it's mine and my SO's house or what. But he's driving me crazy and my SO won't do fuck all about it because he's never home! Grrr.... Sorry for the rant