Could his friend be jealous of me?

When I started dating my boyfriend last year his friend hated my guts, wanted me to flat out go away. Started drama with me over nothing out of nowhere and nomatter what I did I couldn't prove myself worthy of my boyfriend.  I think maybe about 9 months into the relationship he warmed up to me, however still complained about me being with my boyfriend 24/7 however we were homeless and living in an RV that had no running water or heat, we were clinging to eachother attached to the hip couch surfing wherever we could because the RV was cold, it had leaks and it was rotting from black mold so bad we couldn't breathe in it and were trying to stay out of it as much as we could which wasn't much. I went everywhere with my boyfriend and even when we moved out of the RV and got on our feet we were still that close because we were just used to it, I mean we slept on a tiny couch in a sleeping bag with a trashbag over it to keep warm when we hadn't eaten in days, we clung to eachother in survival mode. We are probably more attached than most couples. His friend didn't like that. He'd ask for "bros night" at his house which included his girlfriend but I couldn't come for whatever reason. Eventually my boyfriend Said no if I'm coming she's coming, so I just sat in the living room with his girlfriend talking and never bothered them. I figured that he just put up with me and as long as I let him have a little bit of "bro time" he was fine. And yeah he did get to get a break from me quite often because I worked on the weekends for a while. I just don't get why he has to be so petty, his girlfriend is with them everytime so I don't get why he has to call it "bro" time. You could just say "I don't want her over" if its not as blatant enough. I seriously think he's jealous.