I need advice ! Please help😩

Im in highschool Me & my boyfriend have been dating for 2 years now. Hes a senior now . I wouldn't say our relationship is perfect because we argue here & there. He's someone i want to spend my life with we've talked about it more often lately, His family and my family are very friendly now and his mom loves me literally. But last night A good friend of mine were arguing and it was making me upset so i took it out on him as well because he wasnt helping or taking my side. I said something to piss him off and He told me he couldn't do this anymore and how i need to change my ways He wants me to have a better future than him because hes made so many mistakes but i have a chance to still fufill mine. He's not an emotional person but he called me crying apologizing for hurting me and i don't deserve him but someone better... I don't know if I should talk it out with him or leave it the way it is now . Please help😩