I had my first child when I was only 20, he was not planned but he changed my world for the better

Sarah • Happily Married. Mother of two children, Anthony and Alexis. I'm a Respiratory Therapist. Life is very busy!
I had my first child when I was only 20, he was not planned but he changed my world for the better. That was back in 2006. He was my motivation to go back to school (I graduate in May) and better our lives. His father and I broke up when he was only 6 months old but we got back together when he turned 3 (literally the day after his birthday lol) and we are coming up on our 5th Wedding Anniversary this October. Needless to say we have been so ready to expand our family and began TTC in September last year and I am so happy to announce that 10 years later I get to finally have another baby. Today I found out I am pregnant!