Lol that's really embarrassing

I have been really sick lately with chest congestion, can't breathe out of my nose, my throat hurts.. all of that business. I stayed over at my boyfriends friends house with him and I went and bought NyQuil so I could sleep. I took some NyQuil and laid down on the couch and it knocked my butt OUT COLD. My boyfriend and his friend stayed up playing video games and that's all I know. When we left the next morning he was like "you were snoring so loud and so hard and you never snore so I went to wake you up and you looked at me and gave me a dirty look and went back to sleep and started snoring even LOUDER". He's like "woman you shook that house with your snoring and I couldn't stop laughing about it, I've never heard you snore and we've lived together for a year." I am so embarrassed lol I guess I snore when I'm really sick like that 😂 he said I've only heard one person snore like that in my life and that's my dad.. And he's a big dude 😭😭😭😭