Maybe someone could help- I'm so confused

So I've had the most emotional week. This past Monday I went in to have my 8 week ultrasound. They said the baby was measuring exactly on target, but the heartbeat was low at 92. My ob told me I have a 75% chance of miscarrying. I was devastated 💔 on Friday (yesterday)when I was at work talking with a co worker I felt a gush of fluid. I already knew what it was so I rushed to the bathroom. When I looked there was a bunch of blood and once I went to the bathroom there was a golf size substance of something that I knew was my baby. I knew I was miscarrying. Went to the hospital today to check my hcg levels and blood type . My doctor just called and said my levels were very high (exactly where they should be at almost 9 weeks) and that she wasn't convinced I am having a miscarriage. Plus I'm not bleeding and only have minor cramping ever now and then. I'm so confused because I know I peed out something big. Go for another ultrasound this week. Going to be so confused until then .