Lesbian or bi??????

Okay quick question I really can't answer it myself idk if I'm just being dumb or what! But I've been trying to figure out what I'm labeled as cause everyone keeps asking me are you gay or bi? I personally don't enjoy labeling but I just need to know! Trust me I've had my fair share of boys I've only slept with one I'm not as sexually attracted to them as I am girls. I am turned on completely by women! But the thought of touching a penis grosses me out. Here's the problem I live in Utah..... So I'm judged I feel like I shouldn't be having these feelings towards genders. Trust me I'd love to run off with a woman but I feel like too many things are stopping me like, the thought of what my extended family would think, coworkers, bosses, friends, I don't want to be treated differently. Some times I want to break up with my girl because I feel like I want to date men and women but I feel like I wouldn't find another girl like her. I just want to take her to family parities and not worry about what other people think! Since I was a little girl I use to cry because I wasn't a boy doesn't that tell ya something??? Like shit maybe I am scared to label myself as a lesbian because I haven't fully accepted myself yet! Has anybody else had this issue?