Remember when we used to be healthy ;)

Prior to becoming pregnant I was very health conscious and ate loads of fruit and veg and worked out all the time. I swore I would keep it up and be even more aware of it once pregnant ( I have a background in sports nutrition) however......from when we found out at 3+5 till now 13weeks I've predominantly eaten toast and potatoes no fruit or veg! Have suffered terribly with sickness, dizziness and nausea-even on my long awaited trip to Nashville. Ive drank Coke just to give me energy to get through work and snacked at 3am. This week the exhaustion has eased a little and I've swam a couple of times. Despite this I am so damn happy and excited and we cannot wait to meet our baby. Be kind to yourselves mamas. There's all the time afterwards to watch nutrition and if you were healthy before and your taken your  vitamins baby will get what it needs until you can face a healthy meal. 😂😂😂👍🏼