Sex education

I'm from the U.K. And here I got my first sex ed class in year 6 so around age 10 just the basics about periods and how woman release eggs the boys were taken seperatly and taught about wet dreams and waking up with erecrtions and how sperm works. Then in secondary school we had phsce which was something different each week but taught us life skills and sex ed was in that about baby's, sti, contraception and everything. My parents also gave me the talk. I've read some comments on here from 13.14,15,16 year. Olds and I find it scary  the questions they are asking and how poor sex education seems to be! 16 years old wanting to try for babies, or just not knowing how it all works it's not there fault but I really think sexual education needs to be Improved some of the comments have been shocking. I don't know what anyone else thinks about sexual education and I'm not trying to be rude either