My Offensive Rant; Dear Plus-sized Moms

I know I'm going to get hate for this and this'll probably get deleted very quickly but here it goes.

If you are posting a baby bump before you are 13 weeks, you should atleast be (sort of) in shape. When i tap into baby bump threads, i really dont want to see rolls upon rolls of fat concealed under thin and stretched tank tops. There is no visible baby bump there (except maybe to people super familiar with your pre pregnancy body). And its disappointing to see fat when i want to see bumps.

Honesltly, if you cant take care of your own body, how are you going to take care of a child?? "Oh i have slow metabolism." So did i once, before i excersiced regularily and ate right. I was overweight when i was a teenager but I grew up and took care of myself before deciding to have a child.

Its not just your fatness that i dont want to see, its also your irresponsibility that disgusts me.


People hate the truth. I expected that and I'm perfectly fine with that. I know that there are many people out there who agree with me though.