How do I get my dad to move out 😒

I'm 25 and in every place (6 total) I've had in my adult life I've had one of my parents live with me. Mostly my dad. I'm losing my mind. I have no privacy, no space, no time to myself. He destroys my furniture from sleeping in it (even though I've told him to buy a air mattress. When my brand new couch was sunken in and I needed to buy another when I asked for money towards it he said NO, THAT I SHOULDN'T HAVE LET HIM SLEEP ON IT THEN😳😳😳) smokes cigarettes  in my house ( I don't smoke at all btw) won't even give me privacy to have my own company (acts as if I'm inconveniencing him to have to find somewhere to go while I have company) he even brought a Random girl to my house to have sex with!!! Tried to sneak her in without me noticing ( I don't allow people I don't know in my home)he sticks his nose on my personal life, eats all my food ... Ugh I could go on and on and on... I just need him out my house. Like yesterday. I feel like he takes advantage of the fact that he my dad and "I'm supposed to take care of him " fuck that. I don't mind helping but to continually disrespect me and my home I can't deal with any more.