I'm losing hope 😔 Kinda long so bare with me.

Cimone 💫🌼

I feel like my relationship is dying. And I've been brought to tears.😢😢 I've been with my boyfriend for almost 9 months and this is the longest I've been with anyone(we're both 18 and this is his longest too). I give him my everything, I love him, care for him, support him in everything he does. I've never been so serious about anyone in my life😳. And lately things just haven't been the same.😕 He's not the person he was when we first started dating. I tried talking things out but he's so sensitive and he doesn't know how to handle me when I'm upset or unhappy so he kinda shuts down and it makes things worse😔. Idk what to do anymore. I feel so emotionally exhausted and just lost.😭 I don't want to leave him but I feel like it's coming to that point...

Someone please help a girl out😔😢