Long distance

I've been in love with my boyfriend for about 4 years now but we've been together for almost 2( we have a history). Anyways, he's in the Army in a different state and I miss him tons. We all know the feeling. Honestly I feel he is my one and only. No other man had been able to catch my eye or anything of the nature. My heart belongs to him. He tells me he wishes we lived together and he'd like the idea of it and of course I've took it in consideration. I'm in my first year of college so I don't mind dropping everything and moving to him. But he doesn't want me to. Overall my biggest problem here is I don't think I can continue this relationship, being only able to see him once a year, for another 4-20 years. I told him this can work for awhile if some changes happen and he just laughs and thinks this is a joke. He thinks that I'm just being moody and emotional because it's close to my period. 
Anyways I'm just looking for words and opinions from y'all. I have no one to talk to about this kind of stuff besides him.