Did he just say he liked me?

   For the past three weeks, my brother-in-law (brother's wife's brother) and i have been talking. In the beginning, I did have a little crush on him, but I slowly started to lose interest/hope. 
  A few hours ago we were texting and he said "can I ask you a question" 
I thought nothing of it and just told him to go for it. ...... Now growing up with my brother has made me a major tomboy; making me oblivious to any type of flirtatious advances. 
   Anyways! My brother-in-law ended up backing down and said he'll ask me some other time. When I finally got him to tell me he said "Your mines. Period. Like that. Go to bed now. Seriously. Goodnight punk. Lmao"  Did he just say liked me!??
**Extra info; Since none of this registered at that moment I replied back "just like that then? Lol. Goodnight, bitch" Any advice that you girls can give will be greatly appreciated. 

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