Pregnancy after tubal ligation

Samantha • Im 35 & married. Ttc
So 10 yrs ago I had my youngest daughter & soon after had a tubal ligation done. Thinking I would never have any more kids & listening to mom I did it. Felt more pressured than anything. Soon after I married my husband & not thinking about it got pregnant 3 more times. Unfortunately all 3 ended in miscarriage. Last one being about 4 yrs ago. Recently we have come to a point in our life where things are finally good. Even though I have 3 living children of my own & him 5 (from different women) we have none together. We both want one badly. I am a woman of faith, & believe if God allows it, it will happen. We been married 9 yrs & have been trying for about a year now. But no luck. Any suggestions. I would luv to come back to him with good news. We try everyday. Its just not happening & I dont know why. 😩🍼🍼🍼