Please women!

Hey everyone out there!!
I just saw a post right now about the girls stating their symptoms and asking whether they're pregnant or not, we all know we're not doctors but there is nothing wrong with helping others. 
I mean like c'mon we all know how women get when there is a a missed af/bfn/bfp. We women are a mixture of emotions. We already have a lot going on with our lives and those women who are asking for our advice just want a ray of hope/moral support.  You all do support your friends/family but what is wrong with helping someone online. It's not like we're forcing you guys to answer to our questions, if you don't want to then just don't open the damn post!!
No hard feelings! ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼🤓