Going from pumping back to ebf, need tips

My dd is 8w and was ebf until 3w. She had a tongue tie and wasn't gaining, my supply really suffered so I also pumped to increase supply. About 3w ago I decided to ep in the day and nurse at night to try to build a stash as my supply increased. We were using preemie nipples but DH decided to give her size 1 which she loved bc it was quicker (he bottle feeds her, not me). 
Long story short, I decided to not ep in day since I wasn't building a stash and barely keeping up with her needs and I just missed nursing her. I thought it would be an easy transition back to ebf since she nurses perfectly fine at night. However she screamed at breast for a long while until I gave in and had DH give her 1oz (this time preemie nips) to satisfy her quick fix and then put her back to breast which she took after a small fuss. This was at each feeding today. 
Does anyone have experience going from ebf to ep back to ebf? Do you have any tips? About how long is the transition? It just breaks my heart when she screams murder at the breast bc it isn't fast food. :(